Hypnotherapists in Perth
11 Fraser Terrace
John Moonie: 0778425... 07784257776
Monday to Friday: 9am - 5:30pm
Saturday: 9am - 12pm
Sunday: Closed
Hypnotherapy training Scotland to diploma level. GHR accredited. Hypnotherapy and hypnosis in Perth - Scotland for help with weight loss, stopping smoking, anxiety, panic attacks and phobias, by John Moonie HPD, SQHP, GHR(Reg.), NHR Professional Hypnotherapist.
Member of the National Society of Professional Hypnotherapists (MNSPH), no. AO201. General Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice (GQHP). Registered with the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR), one of the largest and most respected registering bodies for hypnotherapy in the UK. No. 690. Training course Assessed and Validated at Practitioner Level by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (UK).
Specialisation in anxiety/panic/phobia Professional approach - understanding of problems other professionals face Previous experience of management at senior level - understanding of stress in business Use of biofeedback meter to aid results Systematic, sympathetic, results-oriented approach means therapy is brief but effective
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Practitioner training course for intending hypnotherapists - diploma level. 2 week concentrated course followed by case studies and exam
Price: £200 booking deposit. £1300 balance
When: 16/03/2016 to 28/03/2016, 0900 - 1700 daily (practical course)
Training to Dilpoma/Practitioner Level. 2 week practical course, 3 months elapsed time.
Price: £1500 (£200 booking deposit)
For more detailed description google "John Moonie Hypnotherapy"
Price: £60/session (see site)